Monday, February 2, 2009

What will this month bring?

Yes, it is already February 1 -- we're solidly into 2009, a few weeks into the Obama administration, looking ahead towards spring. One thing I've been doing both for myself and clients recently is setting monthly goals on the first Monday of the month.

This seems obvious to many, and quite simple. Yet this simple act of intention can be empowering. It focuses the mind by clarifying what you want, and what is doable. It creates priorities.

Many coaches and organizational deelopment consultants use the term SMART goals -- a helpful acronym for powerful goals setting. SMART stands for:
Specific (not vague);
Measurable (you can tell whether or not you've done them--whether it is pounds lost or articles written);
Actionable (they are not just in your head);
Relevant (they move something forward that is meaningful and important to you) and
Time-bound (they have a specific time associated with them -- you will finish them by Feb. 15 for example).
Sometimes another "S" is added, for Stretch -- that is, they are goals that will push you a bit to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

I have to confess that one of mine this month is getting to the gym, or doing yoga at home, at least four times/week. I began last week and have broken through my months long malaise to get to the gym both weekend days the past two weeks plus two days during the week. The trick has been the simple act of going, allowing myself to start small (i.e. not being embarrassed to spend only 15 minutes on the bike, as long as I made it there to begin with) and building as I go along. I am reminded of an essay I wrote a few years ago about my perpetual struggle to get to the gym, called "In Search of the Perfect Health Club."

At the time I wrote this essay, (yes, I've been engaged in this exercise struggle for a long time) I was much more into perfectionism than I am now. During those years I spent my time thinking and speculating, rather than doing. Now, I go for "good enough"...

As you look ahead towards February, what do you want to accomplish? Who in your networks do you want to reconnect with? What do you want to accomplish on your various projects? How do you want to attend to your health, or the relationships with those you love? What kind of time will you allow yourself for reflection? Take a few moments to write down your goals...And then give yourself some slack.

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