Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are you an ostrich or a flamingo?

Some of us look at all the changes and panic; others of us just stick our heads in the sand insisting that nothing much has changed. I've found in working with individuals and organizations that those who can map multiple scenarios for how the future could unfold can keep their calm, access their creativity and stay afloat.

How are you responding to the current crisis?
What do you know about the 1, 2 and 5 year future?
What don't you know?
How are you retooling to thrive amid uncertainty?

1 comment:

Idil Cakim said...

This is a terrific blog. I work with emerging technologies and find that many are interested in it, but few are willing to try them - even that comes at varying degrees. I think a lot of that goes back to the discrepancy between what people know (e.g., blogs are important) and what they envision themselves doing (e.g., can I become a blogger?). Maybe, if we could envision ourselves in different roles, or just see ourselves taking on the same roles with new tools, creativity would be easier and innovation would come faster.